Girl looking at herself in the mirror smiling and appreciating herself

Do you find it difficult to accept compliments or deflect comments that are meant to praise you? if this is you don’t worry you are not alone. Many people struggle with receiving, even if it is not a physical thing. This is because we do not feel worthy, deserving or loveable to be at the receiving end. The ability to graciously receive lies in feeling and knowing yourself to be worthy exactly as you are, so in this article we will look at 10 practical steps to boost your self-worth.

So, what does it mean to feel worthy and why is it so crucial for your personal growth? Self-worth is not just about feeling good about yourself – it’s also about recognizing your intrinsic value as a person, irrespective of your achievements or external opinions. That distinct glow you feel when you achieve something? That’s often self-esteem. But what is self-worth? That’s the fundamental belief and appreciation of self that doesn’t waver with the highs and lows of life. It’s intimately linked to our inner peace and contentment.

I believe in order to truly grasp self-worth, it’s helpful to look at some foundational ideas. Let’s take a look at some perspectives from PsychoCybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, where he offers a compelling look into self-perception with his work in the field of self-image. Maltz understood that how we see ourselves profoundly shapes our reality. And if you want to elevate your sense of value, you’ve got to start by scrutinizing the mental mirror in which you view yourself. It is through this mental image that we also build our self-worth.

Why is self-worth so vital? Well, imagine your life as a skyscraper. Without a sturdy foundation – which I like to think of as self-worth – your skyscraper can sway and crumble under stress. Studies and experts point to the same conclusion: individuals with a solid sense of worth are more likely to flourish and find fulfilment. In that, with a healthy sense of self, you know that outside circumstances do not dictate your value of the person you truly are.

However, it is not always that easy to know who you truly are or what truly matters to and in most cases we have to experience some sort of negative encounter to get to this realisation. This need not be the case as there are some other practical ways of assessing your current perception of self-worth. This might mean digging deep and revisiting some uncomfortable experiences but don’t worry too much about discomfort; it’s a natural part of growth. Let’s now explore some powerful assessment strategies, and exactly how an honest look in the mirror can be the first step to building a stronger sense of self-worth.

Girl Journaling with chin in her palm in a thinking position

Assessing Your Current Perception of Self-Worth

Understanding where you stand with your self-worth today is the first crucial step towards enhancing it. This isn’t just about a cursory glance in the mirror; it includes diving deep into your psyche and recognizing the narratives you tell yourself.

One of my favourites is self-reflection, with guided prompts to help you take a deeper look at whatever you are working through. It involves introspection, examining your past experiences, decisions, and the beliefs that shaped them. Here it is important to not forget about being honest with your self-evaluation. It’s easy to gloss over the not-so-shiny parts of ourselves but remember, true growth comes from acknowledging them and facing them head-on.

Journaling is another fantastic method for this kind of work. It’s a safe space where you can express yourself freely, track your emotional patterns, and notice areas where your self-worth could use a boost. I’m a fan of incorporating positive affirmations into this practice. As Louise Hay emphasizes, affirmations can transform our thought patterns and, by extension, our sense of self-worth.

Once you’ve got a handle on your current self-worth landscape, it’s time to start thinking about boosting it. That’s going to include setting achievable goals, nurturing positive relationships, and picking up new skills, all of which we’ll get into in the next section.

Girl sitting on a bed stretching towards the ceiling

Strategic Steps to Enhance Your Self-Worth

There are a number of ways to enhance your self-worth but here are 10 of my favourite practices that have been instrumental in my own journey.

Practice self-compassion

Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding that you would offer to a dear one. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay to learn and grow from them.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is a cornerstone of building self-worth. When you align your pursuits with your abilities and challenge yourself just enough to grow, you create a fertile ground for a sense of achievement. In goal setting, it’s important to break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks and remember to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, to build a sense of achievement and competence

Use Positive Affirmations

Make a conscious effort to watch your thoughts and inner conversations and use positive affirmations to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging thoughts. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations that reinforce your strengths and capabilities.

Surround Yourself With Positive Influences

Spend time with people who uplift and support you. Distance yourself from toxic relationships that bring you down or make you question your self-worth. It is said that you are the sum of the 5 people you engage with most. It’s not just about who you are, but also who you surround yourself with. Choosing to be around people who uplift you can make a significant difference in how you perceive yourself.

Learn and Grow

This is important because if you want to go where you haven’t been before you will probably need the help of someone who has and that means paying for a service. As challenging as this might be your continuous investment in your personal and professional development is a great way to show yourself you matter. Acquiring new skills and knowledge can boost your confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

This is a known fact but not only when your doctor prescribes or as a fix for an upcoming event. Research shows that physical activity has enormous benefits for the overall well-being of the individual. So exercising regularly, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep are a requirement for a healthy life. Physical well-being is closely linked to mental well-being, and taking care of your body can positively impact your self-esteem whatever activity you decide to indulge in make sure it’s fun so that you can stick to it for a long time.

Acknowledge Your Strengths

We won’t be good at everything in life and one mentor of mine once said to me – ” You are better at doing something than everyone you meet and they are also better at something than you.” That made me realise that I possess something nobody else has and vice versa this was knowledge that changed how I see myself and my abilities. Make a list of your strengths, talents, and achievements. Reflecting on your positive attributes can reinforce your sense of self-worth and help you appreciate your unique qualities.

Accept Compliments Graciously

This leads us back to the opening of this article, which is not being able to graciously receive. When someone pays you a compliment, accept it with gratitude instead of dismissing it. Acknowledging positive feedback can contribute to a more positive self-perception.

Set Boundaries

This is hard but one of my personal favourites – saying NO without the need to explain myself over something that doesn’t serve me or is in line with my values. Establish healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your own well-being. Respecting your own limits can reinforce a sense of self-respect. Remember if you are worried about people being offended because you set a boundary that is the more reason you need to set the boundary. People who respect and value you will respect your boundaries even if they disagree with them.

Practice Mindfulness

Cultivate mindfulness through activities such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Many activities can bring you to experience the present moment so adopt one that works for you. Being present in the moment can help reduce stress and anxiety, fostering a positive self-image.

Incorporating these few practices can help boost your self-worth immensely but the work doesn’t end here as this is a lifelong journey one that will evolve as you evolve so let’s see how to maintain these.

Girl sitting by the window journaling

Cultivating a Lasting Sense of Value: Advanced Strategies

Your journey to boosting self-worth doesn’t stop with initial improvements; it’s about creating a lifestyle that perpetuates a strong sense of self-value.

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is gratitude. By regularly acknowledging your efforts, how you show up for yourself and others and what you’re thankful for, you shift focus from what you lack to what you possess, fostering a deeper appreciation for your own life. This has a profound impact on self-worth because it encourages you to see the richness of your own existence.

Generosity is another key player. When you’re generous with your time, resources, or skills, you’re not just helping others—you’re affirming your own value in the world. This act of giving not only promotes positive feelings about yourself but also strengthens social bonds, which are critical for a robust self-worth.

Wrapping It Up

I have experienced that daily practices make all the difference. Incorporating the above-mentioned principles into your life is a great way to boost and nurture your self-worth. Louise Hay, an expert in self-worth and self-love champions the cause of daily affirmations and positive thinking. implement this in your routine, and over time, you’ll find these small shifts in attitude can transform your self-view.

Finally remember, your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. Self-worth is a dynamic state, not a static one. You can always adjust your approach down the road, refining what works and discarding what doesn’t. The goal is a lifelong commitment to recognizing and nurturing your intrinsic value. I hope this article has shed light on possible ways to nurture your self-worth, I would love to hear about what you do or if you have any questions feel free to share these.

love & Light

Sheila Daisy


  1. avatar

    To me, my self worth depends a lot on my physical health, so if I eat healthily and go to the gym, this already helps immensely for my mental health and self worth. Mindfulness I have always wanted to try, is it the same as meditation, or is there a difference and can I learn it from an online course or do I need to see a therapist? thanks for the insights!

    1. avatar
      Sheila Daisy says:

      Hi Lizzy,

      Thanks for sharing your experience and question, I am glad you enjoyed it. You are indeed very correct as studies show that physical movement and proper diets help us mentally and physically which in turn boosts our self-worth. With regards to mindfulness, it’s a lot of different things but the core of it is being and experiencing things in the present and that is where meditation comes in. In meditation, you try to focus on your breath in the present to “quiet” the thoughts (stop thinking about other things) but it is challenging, so mindfulness can also be you really eating slowly and enjoying the food and being able to tell the different spices etc, washing your hands and paying attention to how the water feels on your hands, the speed, the temperature etc. There are many free resources online and you can learn the basics and build upon them from these. Let me know if you need help to any of these resources and I will gladly share. 🙂

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