Choose your words written with scabble blocks

The Power of Words

Using a lot of inspirational quotes to affirm my worth, I’ve come to realize that appreciating my self-worth is the essence of my confidence. It’s not just about feeling good about myself; it’s about understanding the intrinsic value I possess, regardless of external validation. This realization isn’t a sudden epiphany but a gradual awakening to the core truth that I am enough, just as I stand today.

I know how cliché it can seem when you make some famous quotes your mantra but I have firsthand experienced the power of some of these words. In a world where there is so much external noise, I have come to cultivate a habit of letting my inner voice be louder than the external chatter.

Trying to fit in, belong or even just be can sometimes be a challenge and it takes the brave one to want to be their own person, when I started appreciating my true self there were times when I felt so out of place because I wasn’t following what everyone was doing. In such times I leaned on affirmations to keep me going and one such affirmation’s “I am worthy exactly as I am.”

Girl sitting by a table by herself and writing

How it Started

I remember when I first encountered a quote from Meghan Markle: ‘You are enough just as you are,” I paused and reflected on its simplicity and depth. It’s a powerful affirmation that has stayed with me, nudging me to accept myself fully.

Internalizing this belief requires a shift in perspective. I learned to silence the critic within, that voice that used to tell me I was never quite up to the mark. This shift wasn’t about ignoring my flaws or giving up on my personal growth. It was more about recognizing that neither my accomplishments nor my failures define my worth.

It Takes Faith

My journey to loving myself and who I am unconditionally hasn’t been without its challenges and I have tried a lot of different things, ways, practices and rituals and not all of them worked. This taught me that even with well laid-down steps we will still have to find our own way and routines that work for us. As I share some of the steps I have taken remember to be daring enough to try until you find what works for you and be patient because it will take time.

A girl sitting at the beach journaling

The Power of the Written Word

Being a lover of writing, I began with journaling. Here I tried several forms of journaling, prompted, gratitude, free-writing and daily check-ins, in the end, I ended up with free-writing and gratitude journaling. I bought a ruled notebook and wrote a quote on each page before starting my writing.

The Mirror Effect

Then I also incorporated daily affirmations, by looking myself in the mirror and repetitively telling myself that my value is inherent and not contingent on external factors. This technique called “mirror-work” isn’t the easiest because a lot of us with shame find it difficult to look ourselves straight in the eyes. It gets easier with practice and how I overcame this was by thinking I was looking at my little self in the mirror.

Blocking off the Negativity

One other very helpful practice was surrounding myself with positivity, which often meant selecting quotes that echoed the fundamental truth of my worth and posting them where I could see them throughout the day. I had them in my bedroom, my wardrobe, my bathroom mirror anywhere I could think of, where I spent a good deal of time.

It’s OK to Depend on Others

Finally, I actively sought experiences that reinforced my value. It could be as simple as setting aside time for activities that I love like baking – my happy place, which made me feel worthy of the time and effort invested in myself.

This foundation of self-worth I’ve built is critical as it seamlessly transitions into the next crucial aspect of a self-assured life: setting boundaries. Embracing my worth helps me teach others how to treat me because how I treat myself and what I tolerate is mirrored back to me.

A girl looking at affirmations pasted on a mirror

Setting Boundaries Meant Teaching Others My Value

The respect and treatment I receive from others are often a reflection of my own standards. It’s essential to set and enforce personal boundaries to teach others how I expect to be treated. Boundaries are pivotal because they govern the way I interact with friends, family, and colleagues. They are the invisible lines I draw that mark the things I find acceptable and those I don’t.

It’s here that I am reminded of a poignant yet straightforward quote, ‘Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. Remember, you teach people how to treat you.’ The words got a totally different meaning when I one day had to walk away from an opportunity because it wasn’t what I truly desired.

When I was desperately looking for a job I said yes to the first job I was offered but that job as toxic as it was was the one that taught me how to value myself when it comes to my career. Walking away was difficult but it meant not just knowing my value, but also being unwavering in maintaining the high standards that come with that awareness.

The Non-Negotiables

To set these boundaries effectively, I consider what aspects of my life are non-negotiable. This could be my time, my emotions, or my energy. I communicate these clearly to those around me. This practice not only encourages self-respect within me but also signals to others that my self-worth is not up for compromise.

Not Settling For Anything Else

As I navigate these interactions, I’m keenly aware that some people might resist the boundaries I set. Yes, I have experienced times when people have been offended by my boundaries and that made me realise I made the right choice in setting those boundaries. This is where another self-worth adage comes to light: ‘Never settle for anything less than you deserve, you set the standard.’ yet another prompt reinforcing me to stand firm, even if it might lead to uncomfortable conversations or decisions as I believe it is better to be respected than liked in passing moments.

Creating a Healthy Space For Mutual Respect

However, setting boundaries doesn’t mean building walls, for me it’s been about creating a healthy space where mutual respect flourishes. This space enables me to engage meaningfully with others while protecting my sense of self-worth. So in my continuous learning through this journey, setting boundaries has also meant facing the heart of what it means to be SURE of myself, an empowering fact that comes with self-awareness — the focus of the next section.

A quote on a black background

Words That Empowered My Sense of Self

Awareness of my own intrinsic worth has been the cornerstone of empowerment for me. It’s through this understanding that I navigate my worth in the sphere of personal and professional relationships. The right quotes have the uncanny ability to act as a guide, illuminating the often-forgotten aspects of our self-esteem.

A particular favourite that comes to mind is, “You are not a doormat. You are not a pushover. You are strong and resilient.” This blunt reminder serves as a wake-up call that strength and resilience are hardwired into my being, regardless of external circumstances.

Now here are a few quotes carefully curated to function as my daily affirmations, reinforcing the notion that I possess the inner strength to tackle life’s challenges. One quote that stands out for me is from Brian Tracy, who said, “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.”

It’s a statement that supports the idea that inner resources are ample for any adversity. This has come to light on many occasions where I have by some magical force overcome situations which I never thought I could.

In moments when I sense my power being underestimated, a simple yet profound declaration comes to my rescue: “Don’t underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.” It’s a quote that reminds me of my depth, my untapped potential, and the silent observations that shape my wisdom.

Acting on these affirmations has been life-changing and also because I don’t merely recite these I make sure to involve my emotions when I recite. By affirming my worth daily, I transform the knowledge of my value from a whisper to a resounding declaration and this transformation has been the basis for my journey toward self-acceptance and love.

A young black lady sitting by the window sipping a cup of tea and journaling

The Journey Towards Acceptance and Love

The journey towards acceptance and love can often be an intricate one as it’s about coming to terms that you are worthy of both, regardless of external affirmations or achievements.

Accepting My Worth

For me it has been embodied in the heartening truths echoed in quotes such as, ‘You are worthy of love without having to do anything to earn it.’

This notion might be simple to grasp in theory, yet it demands consistent practice and self-reaffirmation. Yes, I do know I am worthy but most of the time circumstances prove otherwise and that is when my constant affirmation is required.

Acceptance is a pivotal step to recognizing self-worth and has been about embracing every facet of who I am – my strengths, my quirks, and even the parts I might struggle to love. When you accept yourself, you build an impenetrable foundation that deflects the negative opinions of others. It’s well-summarized by Eleanor Roosevelt’s words: ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’

Self-Love: Learning to Love on You

Self-love follows naturally from self-acceptance. Treating yourself with kindness and understanding entails accepting yourself when you feel loveable and unloveable, and celebrating your achievements, however big or small they might be.

Also knowing that we are deserving of the love you keep trying to give to everyone else can help us turn that love and attention to ourselves. How often do you show yourself the compassion you readily offer others? Mindfully practising self-love opens the door to a more fulfilling life.

As you nurture acceptance and love within yourself, you become less tolerant of disrespect and mistreatment from others. A quote that powerfully captures this evolution is, ‘When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless.’

This self-awareness demands that you cut ties with situations that demean your value and instead, steer towards relationships and environments that uplift and honor you. I can wholeheartedly say that my friendship circle over the last couple of years have drastically reduced just because I am tolerating less of what doesn’t serve me.

A woman looking in a mirror with the words I am worthy written on

Authenticity – How These Affirmations Have Helped My Ever-Evolving Self

My journey keeps evolving with every new experience and age but one thing that has become a constant in my practices is using my affirmations. When I look back at how far I have come and the woman I now am, I am so impressed at what I have been able to achieve through a change of mindset, infusing my mind and soul with enriching words and working for the things I desire. As Walt Disney beautifully articulated, ‘The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.

Standing In My Truth

As I go through the experiences I am more convinced that my life is my own to create and so is yours. YOUR LIFE IS YOUR OWN, as Bob Moawad so aptly stated, so you and I hold the keys to our individual journey, free from apologies or excuses. In this purest form of authenticity, there is no need to trade your truth for approval or let outside noise cloud your self-perception. You’re created uniquely, with both purpose and passion. This is a strong belief of mine and with each day I am blessed with I know my purpose here on earth isn’t over.

Embracing my Uniqueness

Eleanor Roosevelt challenged us to not just accept but to EMBRACE the obligation to be an individual. It is within this embrace that our self-worth flourishes and the brilliance of our light is not to be dimmed by others but rather to serve as a guide not just our paths but also illuminating the way for those who find resonance in our journeys.

Take Home Message

It’s not always easy to remember your values or who you are especially when you are being disrespected but remember, the value of who you are isn’t up for debate and It isn’t defined by temporary affirmations or the transient opinions of society. Your worth is a constant – fearfully and wonderfully made.

It’s not susceptible to depreciation because someone failed to comprehend its magnitude so when the inner critic and outside critics seem loud let your inner cheerleader be louder. Find a handful of affirmations that work for you and resonate with your situation and use them religiously to counteract those negative thoughts and situations.

It might seem trivial at first or you might feel it’s not working but give it time and be consistent because whatever you are trying to overcome didn’t happen overnight so be patient and kind to yourself. Continue nurturing this self-recognition with compassion and truth. Know that you are deserving of all the love and kindness the world has to offer.

You are worthy of every dream nestled in your heart. In this article, I have incorporated some of my favourite quotes in the text and there are countless out there also in this article I wrote. Take your time to find the ones that resonate and use them, not all of the quotes and affirmations will resonate and that is ok but give yourself the gift of positively reaffirming yourself.

Lastly, HOLD FAST to these affirmations and let them be your grounding element as you navigate the waters of self-discovery. Own your worth, live it out with every step and breathe it into every dream because the truth is, you don’t just exist – you matter, infinitely and unconditionally and in the famous L’Oreal words – because you are worth it.

I hope you have enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or comments kindly share them in the comment.

Love & Light

Sheila Daisy


  1. avatar
    Makhsud says:

    Hi Sheila,
    I just read your post about finding confidence through affirming your worth with inspirational quotes, and it hit a chord. It’s like you’ve opened a simple truth – our self-worth is our superpower. I love how you’ve woven personal anecdotes with actionable advice, making it feel like a warm conversation rather than a lecture. It’s got me curious, though: How do you keep your affirmations feeling fresh and impactful, especially on those tougher days when self-doubt creeps in? Do you have a go-to quote for instant motivation?
    Thanks for sharing your journey and lighting the path for others. Your words are a gentle reminder that we’re all enough, exactly as we are.

    Best regards,

    1. avatar
      Sheila Daisy says:

      Hi Makshud,

      Thank you for your comments and questions. When it comes to affirmations I normally start the year with one specific one I stick to throughout but I have others I create for the different times and situations over the year that is how I keep them fresh. When it comes to those hard and challenging days I use this one whilst looking at myself in the mirror – I am worthy, I am enough. I deserve to love and be loved. This is simple yet powerful because so many things can make a seemingly good day turn sour and us questioning why or what is wrong with us. I do this in the mirror even if I don’t feel like it as I need to look myself in the eyes and remind myself that I am worthy no matter what is going on. This has been one I fall back on for years now and it still helps when I can’t master an ambitious affirmation. Hope this helps and I will be happy to go share more insights if you wish to know more. 

  2. avatar
    Michel says:

    Thank you for these great tips on affirming your own worth. You are right, it is a journey and not always as easy as just reading inspirational quotes every day.

    Journaling definitely helps, as it helps you to affirm the words to yourself by writing them down.

    Getting rid of negativity in your life isn’t always easy, especially if a family member is the cause of the negativity, but learning how to distance yourself from it is a process you need to keep practicing.

    How do you suggest keeping things positive if you live with somebody who is very negative?

    1. avatar
      Sheila Daisy says:

      Thank you Michel for your comment and for sharing your experience. When it comes to keeping things positive with somebody who’s very negative my suggestion will be for you not to indulge. I have learnt that I can’t change people or make them change but when I change myself it reflects on the people around me. Let’s say if they always complain when you are together try not to agree or disagree with what they are doing. If possible change the topic or leave their side for a while. When you persist in not indulging they might be offended at first but keep on persisting and eventually they will stop because you don’t encourage it by indulging. Hope this helps but if you need more information please send me a message. 

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